Thursday, August 23, 2012

An Art Help Desk? Yes! ~ Art Advice from Bean Gilsdorf

One of my latest discoveries is Bean Gilsdorf. She is an artist, writer, and California College of the Arts (CCA) alumna. With school just around the corner, it's great seeing CCA graduates doing some really phenomenal things in the art world. Gilsdorf runs a column titled Help Desk, which is co-sponsored by KQED and Daily Serving.

From writing an artist statement to art vernacular, Gilsdorf is equipped with possible solutions. If you're the type that loves advice columns and you're an artist, art critic, art student, etc., this column makes for some great reading. Whether you agree with her or not, you definitely walk away with a fresh perspective.

1 comment:

  1. Latest advantage! I read this and it is very best for who are art student. It is the good defination of help desk.

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