Friday, August 31, 2012

Advanced Degrees Do Not = Prosperity

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In most professions, salaries below the poverty line would be cause for alarm. In academia, they are treated as a source of gratitude. Volunteerism is par for the course - literally. Teaching is touted as a "calling", with compensation an afterthought. One American research university offers its PhD students a salary of $1000 per semester for the "opportunity" to design and teach a course for undergraduates, who are each paying about $50,000 in tuition. The university calls this position "Senior Teaching Assistant" because paying an instructor so far below minimum wage is probably illegal". ~ Sarah Kendzior

After finishing up a two day graduate orientation, I'm still not wavering on my decision to return to school. Although Sarah Kendzior's article, The Closing of American Academia: The Plight of Adjunct Professors highlights the end of higher education as a means to prosperity was published over a week ago, it's certainly not garnering the same kind of attention as the beast Jesus restoration. Too bad. I find it extremely relevant and timely considering my career transition into writing, criticism, and education. Reading Kendzior's piece reminded me of how models and modes of education must evolve with society and culture. But with technology and globalization, it's difficult to keep up. I provided the graphic above, which is in no way related to the article, to provide a visual schematic for those who enjoy that type of thing. So yeah...

Returning to school for an advanced arts degree seems foolish to many people. In thinking of existing and future debt, the political climate (with the 2012 elections fast approaching), and the trajectory of my research, it was not an easy choice to make. But I knew it was something I needed to do (even if I have to work and pay for it out of my pocket). Sustaining a passion is difficult but you keep at it and it is imperative to know your passion going into such a commitment (especially since grad school is so dependent on pecuniary matters). Longevity of the topic is another aspect to consider. Now, I'm not pontificating but merely stating a few things I'm learning along the way. Kendzior points out something crucial in the end of her article regarding culture and generational differences when it comes to how we perceive and value higher education. Please read the piece and share your thoughts.

Also, I'm curious to hear answers and thoughts regarding a few questions. Do you have an advanced degree? What has been your experience with finding work in your designated field? How have you defined success (for yourself)?

Thursday, August 23, 2012

An Art Help Desk? Yes! ~ Art Advice from Bean Gilsdorf

One of my latest discoveries is Bean Gilsdorf. She is an artist, writer, and California College of the Arts (CCA) alumna. With school just around the corner, it's great seeing CCA graduates doing some really phenomenal things in the art world. Gilsdorf runs a column titled Help Desk, which is co-sponsored by KQED and Daily Serving.

From writing an artist statement to art vernacular, Gilsdorf is equipped with possible solutions. If you're the type that loves advice columns and you're an artist, art critic, art student, etc., this column makes for some great reading. Whether you agree with her or not, you definitely walk away with a fresh perspective.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Quora: The Virtual Place for Questions (and Answers)

One of my dear friends and extremely talented artist, Matt Ganucheau, suggested I hop onto Quora (Side Note: Matt ALWAYS has something awesome to share so you may be seeing his name mentioned here quite a bit). Quora is a unique way to socially network with like minded folks (or people that think it's funny to be offer up a lame answer but I have yet to see this happen). It is a virtual spot where you can ask questions and get answers. You're also able to "Thank" (think of the "Like" function on Facebook) other Quora users and vote up answers to questions. So, imagine if Reddit and Pinterest had a brilliant prodigy lovechild, that's pretty much how I view Quora. Now, it doesn't replace writing your papers or answer the difficult abstract questions you need to address for your thesis BUT it is a great stepping stone to see what others think of your questions, research, and most importantly, its a place to learn something new (constantly)! Are you on Quora? It would be great to connect and check out your questions and maybe, just maybe, answer your questions. I know I would appreciate your answers to my questions. See you there.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Purpose of this Space

Although I have blog,, I decided to create a space strictly for research and writing purposes. I wanted a spot devoted to posting interesting finds and resources after seeing and having been inspired by a friend's (Valerie Leavy) blog titled Air Guitar Riffs. She uses the blog to collect references from the book Air Guitar: Essays on Art and Democracy by Dave Hickey. She recommended the book, which is proving to be great read. In any case, I figured this virtual place would serve as my online collection of research materials. I'm hoping other Visual and Critical Studies scholars or folks interested in the Arts join me in the ongoing dialogue. Overall, it is for anyone interested in research, reading, and writing! I welcome research applications, resources, book, music, film, and artwork recommendations. I'm not sure how this space will evolve over time but we shall see. As always, I welcome feedback and comments.